Sacred Space

shoeThis past weekend, Ted&Co took a mini-tour up to Canada with a Thursday night showing of “Listening for Grace” and Saturday/Sunday shows of “Laughter is Sacred Space.”

Life on the road always generates interesting little anecdotes. 

For example… Let’s say your name is Jason Hildebrand and Ted is in possession of certain belongings of yours. Upon coming to see Ted’s show in Mississauga you, Jason, will regain said belongings with the exception of one sneaky second shoe that Ted swore came up to Canada. However, the clever thing avoided eyesight by hiding under a box in the van. Now said sneaky second shoe must be shipped. You’ll get that shoe back someday, Jason. 

Or this… 

Finding a good place to eat on the road can sometimes resemble a game of “Where’s Waldo.” The healthy places to eat are hidden amidst hoards of fast food and shady diners. However, Chipotle is good and Panera. But sometimes you take a chance on an interesting name – like “Aunt Lu’s.” Sometimes you drive a few miles off the beaten path in search of “Aunt Lu’s,” and in the inevitable event that you don’t find the elusive “Aunt Lu’s” the “Dutch Pantry” will make an interesting substitution. It was not what you hoped “Aunt Lu’s” would be, but people gotsta eat. 

Better than anecdotes, however, is the opportunity to be a part of sacred space. 

“On the road actors search for a home…which is our stage, and we need to make it our own so that’s why we have to…you know… metaphorically pee in the corners.”
~ Laughter is Sacred Space

This weekend, Ted performed in three different spaces. Two churches and one multi-purpose room. Each space held unique characteristics. One had beautifully crafted butterflies swirling out along the walls, another had a low ceiling from which we hung props, and the third had warm lighting with the ability to adjust it.
Each space so different, each space a temporary home.

But what made the spaces sacred, walked through the doors with the audience.
Your laughter.
Your tears.
Your amazing stories.

The company came into each of these spaces and “metaphorically peed in the corners.” We set up the stage, set the sound, adjusted the lighting, created a little piece of home. 

But your presence with us in the space made it sacred. 

For this, we are grateful. 

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  1. cynthia stevens on July 26, 2014 at 9:30 pm

    I saw Listening for Grace, in the butterfly filled space…then purchased your book, Ted. Just finished Laughter is a Sacred Space today. On the deck this morning, tears streaming down my face. Thanks for writing the gutsy, honest, hard, courageous story of your time with Lee and the ongoing time after..(as he has crossed over the thin line that separates us from life on the “other side.”)
    Thanks for taking what you have, which is never enough, breaking it and passing it out….twas a gift to me and more than enough for this day.
    With deep appreciation, Cynthia