Film Premiere of “No Feeling is Final”

Event Description


Event information

Event type: Open to Public
Event date: November 13, 2021
Event time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Location: The Goshen Theatre, Goshen, Indiana [map]

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No Feeling is Final: Film Premiere: The Goshen Theater, Goshen IN on Saturday, Nov. 13

  • Lobby will open at 6PM for a red carpet celebration, including concessions, bar, photos, and mingling with the artists — come early!
  • The film (description below) will screen at 7 PM, after which you can hear Ted Swartz, Steven Stauffer, Michelle Milne, Valerie Luna Serrels, and Jacob Claassen discuss the process of creating the film, the book, and additional materials.
  • Ted, Valerie, and Steven will sign books in the lobby following the event.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Click here Click here for tickets tickets.

No Feeling is Final is a celebration of resilience and how telling our stories about mental health — both painful and hopeful — can connect and carry us through hard times together.

Filmed on location at Goshen Theater, starring Ted Swartz. Directed by Michelle Milne, Videography by Steven Stauffer.

Based on the book “Portraits from the Human Faces Tour: Mental Health Struggles and Resilience,” by Ted Swartz with Valerie Serrels, photography by Steven Stauffer. Book will be available for purchase and signing at the event.