Updates, news and blog stories from around the Ted and Company universe.

A Bridge of Hope Event An evening in memory of Kathy Seamon-McGowan and in honor of all mothers and women who live with passion. There is no admission fee for the evening. A freewill offering will be received to benefit homeless single mothers and their children. If you or your business would enjoy the opportunity to sponsor this event, please contact Francesca Crane at Bridge of Hope. Francesca J. Crane Executive Director – Bridge of Hope Lancaster & Chester Counties 610-380-1360 extension 109 717-394-7406 extension 109 www.BridgeofHopeLCC.org
Read More →If there’s one thing that’s been constant for the last several years, it’s change. Isn’t that what they always say? [I have no idea who “they” are, but I’m pretty sure they do say it.] Well, if you’ve been paying attention, you know that Ted & Company is always in some form of metamorphosis. And ultimately, change can be a very good thing. That’s why we’re so excited to bring you a NEW website that is pretty to look at, easy to use, and easy to change [should the mood strike us]. And it most probably will. Poke around and tell us what you think. Another new beginning We are welcoming Tim Ruebke to the company. Tim will be taking over the role created by and with Trent Wagler in I’d Like to Buy an Enemy. Trent has been removed for various infractions too complicated to go into on the…
Read More →Join Ted & Jeff for one of the newest Ted & Company shows, What’s So Funny About Money. The performance begins at 7:30pm and is free and open to the public. Contact: randy.nyce@everence.com
Read More →The performance will be at Scooter’s (in the lower level of Murray-Herrick Campus Center). Donations are welcome. Contact Email: kay.nussbaum@comcast.net
Read More →Ted did a weekend of workshops with the Mariner’s Bethel United Methodist Church. Here are some responses. Ted’s talented and thought-provoking monologues drove me back to the Word to research where all of his added character enlargements originated…he is truly a gifted man of God, and extremely familiar with both his material and his abilities. ~ Susan Street The drama group would tell others that it is money well-spent [to bring in Ted for a workshop]. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn and grow in the process of excellence in worship through drama. ~Kay Lanasa Many thanks to Ted for his fabulous work with the Mariner’s drama missions team. His teaching and direction of our group provided a much-needed and appreciated learning experience. We are now better equipped to handle the many aspects of successful and fruitful drama ministries. Any drama group would benefit from Ted’s easy yet meaningful style.…
Read More →Let me know the next time you’ll be in town so I can bring 17 or so of my best friends! Christmas isn’t Christmas without DoveTale. ~Mary Jo Heckman, Harrisonburg, VA
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