Updates, news and blog stories from around the Ted and Company universe.

It’s easy. Just check out this page for all the info. We’ve performed everywhere from living rooms to church sanctuaries to convention centers and everything in between.
Read More →Check our calendar. If you don’t see us scheduled to come to your town, why not book a performance?
Read More →We have a plethora of things you could use, such as scripts (for full performances or individual scenes), DVDs and video downloads, and of course, live performances by Ted & Company.
Read More →Well, if it works in the theater, we probably do it. Actually, it’s a broad way to explain that we write original plays and sketches, we act and perform in said original plays and sketches, and we work really hard.
Read More →Ted is Ted Swartz, and you can read all about him here. The Company is a whole slew of actors and musicians who work with Ted in various productions. You can read about all of them here. Read about the history of Ted & Company here.
Read More →Contact Email: ggroff@juno.com Contact Phone: 717-656-7878 For those of you that know these stories, and for those of you that are new to them, perhaps you’ll both discover something. Something Jesus. Parables and parallels wrapped and unwrapped to reveal Jesus living among us. Not just then, but now. As time has passed, it seems we try so hard to explain Jesus, that we forget the narrative of his life. The way he spoke, the parables he used, the people he encountered. Humor is not a word we associate with the life of Jesus. Yet when uncorked, these stories pour out sparkling drops of laughter Jesus must have found in the people he met along the way. And why not, after all, humor is part of God’s creation as well. So we are remembering and telling the stories, even the funny ones, as this Jesus encounter continues, not just then,…
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