Updates, news and blog stories from around the Ted and Company universe.

Ted will perform in chapel at 3:30pm; the main performance of “I’d Like to Buy an Enemy” will take place in Cordier Auditorium at 7:00pm. Contact Email: wjwiltschek@manchester.edu
Read More →Ted will be performing as part of CMU’s “Peace it Together” conference. You can view the full conference schedule on their website: http://www.cmu.ca/pit/index.html. Contact Email: abergen@cmu.ca
Read More →One of the great things about my job, other than experiencing the thrills of an insecure career, is the great places I see, and the great people I meet. If that’s the tradeoff, I’ll take it. Indy (hiding behind the wine glass) in WA Over the last number of months I experienced the beauty of both coasts of the US. In the first photo Indy is sitting on the deck of a cabin overlooking the Puget Sound—North of Seattle, Washington. I spent a day and night there with Weldon Nicely, a great friend—wine, fruit, cheese, and stimulating conversation. Indy in Key Largo In the second photo, Indy is watching the sun go down in Key Largo, Florida. A great friend, Kerry Foote, had Jeff and me down for a Tattered & Worn show. We stayed in a lovely home on the bay—amazing view, swimming in the bay—great food and a…
Read More →A couple months ago, Ted & Jeff had the privilege of providing the entertainment for a celebration at newhope church, in Durham, North Carolina. Every year the church celebrates its volunteers with a bash, and we got to perform for them at this year’s event. It was truly an honor for us to be there with this church, and even more humbling were the words from their pastor, Benji Kelley, posted on his blog. Here’s what Pastor Kelley said about the event: “If you are a pastor out there, or a senior leader in the business world, let me tell you about Ted & Company TheatreWorks. I usually don’t do these kinds of endorsements but these guys are REALLY good! Last month, we honored all of the volunteers of newhope church! Plain and simple – without our volunteers our church is nothing. So, we like to throw ginormous parties for…
Read More →Indy’s at the top of Duane’s Mountain. I don’t know if that the official name of this mountain in Potter County, PA—but that’s what I’ll call it. He’s sitting on the handle of a 4 wheeler. (Good lord, if you’ve never ridden one of these you should!) For the sake of me maintaining my urbane, sophisticated, artist’s sensibilities, I must point out I only do this once a year—but what a rush. This was a weekend away with high school friends, Duane Weaver, Eric Bishop—that would be Dr J. Eric to you (a fourth, Bruce Heavener, couldn’t make it this year). Usually we discuss all manner of issues surrounding religion, family systems, women, missing parents. We stay up late, get up early, whine about our 5o+ year-old bodies, take an occasional 10-mile hike, wonder what we might do over the next 30 years, fret about security, grieve losses, eat poorly,…
Read More →We’re excited that on Monday, March 22, I’d Like to Buy an Enemy will be presented in Harrisonburg, VA. This is a hilarious and poignant satire that explores peace, justice, and the American way. It’s a thought-provoking show which allows us to laugh at ourselves, while raising important questions about the place of the U.S. in the world, why fear is such a large part of our culture and how we can honestly work for peace and justice in this country and just maybe in the world. If you would like to know more about the performance, check out the event on our FaceBook page (and while you’re there, make sure you become a fan!). If you’re in the area on Monday, be sure to join us. And if you’re not in the area, but you’d like to know more about how you can bring I’d Like to Buy an…
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