Updates, news and blog stories from around the Ted and Company universe.

By Ted Swartz May 20, 2015 A couple of years ago Jeff Raught and I spent a week in a story-book land to the North. Cooperstown, New York. The home of the baseball hall of fame…moment of silence… Seriously, I’m taking a moment…ok, done. Along with dramaturge and serial bellower of contagious laughter, Bob Small, Jeff and I were crafting a new show, The Jesus Stories: What’s for Lunch? The location, Aunt Karen’s Farm, set amidst the rolling green hills and lush forests of upstate New York, was a compliment to the invigorating and sometimes infuriating process of putting a show together. The show had several permutations over the last 2 years, but this spring we finished it. During the week, Jeff had opportunities to use his camera and spent a better part of an hour photographing chickens….yes, chickens. His patience paid off with this shot. This fine specimen is…
Read More →By Ted Swartz April 7, 2015 Green rooms in churches offer a wide variety of comfort and proximity to the stage: Sometimes there are plenty of comfy couches, quiet with tasteful décor—other times you just know you’re in a church. Occasionally these co-opted spaces provide inspiration and significant philosophical thought. Warming up for a Listening for Grace show at Steinman’s Mennonite in Baden Ontario, I was struck by this Sunday School poster…I was in the middle of running lines, specifically the preacher relating the passage in Genesis where he notes: “In the beginning of this book the creator saw…that it was good” And God saw that it was good. God created us. God created you. And God saw That is was goo— Amen. Yes! Great thoughts young mind… From one who has often thought of himself as simply goo, ready to be transformed…or in the face of failure….or when I’ve…
Read More →The past year of touring took the Company to many wonderful places (see our Year in Review video here for some specifics.) A couple of places stand out…Marble Collegiate in New York City. Justin and Phillip practicing …One of the treats I get: hearing the musicians play. Justin, Chris and Phillip in some exquisite sacred spaces.… and some utilitarian spaces… regardless, the music renews my soul
Read More →This past Monday, Ted spoke on the theme of “Struggle” for the Church of the Brethren’s NYC (that’s National Youth Conference…not New York City… the more you know.) In a beautiful twist of fate, he was joined on stage by long-time friend Ken Medema and summer intern, yours truly (Jen). Leading up to NYC, a few eerie things happened… 1. The text given to Ted was Jacob wrestling with the Angel, the theme – “Struggle.” 2. Ted realized 12 years ago – he, Lee, and Ken performed a version of “Jacob’s Ladder” (a show about the humorous and heartfelt story of Jacob and Esau) at NYC. 3. Ken was going to be at NYC, too. Then it clicked – Ted had to perform portions of that show, taking on the role of Jacob and Ken had to reprise his role as the Angel. Beautifully, Ken was happy to oblige. I…
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