Updates, news and blog stories from around the Ted and Company universe.

The church at St. John’s is a loosely structured group, with more emphasis on the “loose” and “group” than on the “structure.” Which is not to say that they are a loose group, or without moral structure. It’s just that the organizational structure is loose in nature – let’s say “relaxed fit.” In creating the show, Seth, Ted and I had lots of fun imagining what a “relaxed fit” church (with plenty of space and breathing room for all the important things) might allow and encourage, and the results – in my humble estimation – are all kinds of hilarious and holy, sometimes even at the same time. It’s been fun for me to get back into doing some acting, too, as that particular art form is one I haven’t practiced since high school. Much like the pick up line, praise the Lord. St. John’s Revival is the kind of…
Read More →This past weekend, Ted&Co took a mini-tour up to Canada with a Thursday night showing of “Listening for Grace” and Saturday/Sunday shows of “Laughter is Sacred Space.” Life on the road always generates interesting little anecdotes. For example… Let’s say your name is Jason Hildebrand and Ted is in possession of certain belongings of yours. Upon coming to see Ted’s show in Mississauga you, Jason, will regain said belongings with the exception of one sneaky second shoe that Ted swore came up to Canada. However, the clever thing avoided eyesight by hiding under a box in the van. Now said sneaky second shoe must be shipped. You’ll get that shoe back someday, Jason. Or this… Finding a good place to eat on the road can sometimes resemble a game of “Where’s Waldo.” The healthy places to eat are hidden amidst hoards of fast food and shady diners. However, Chipotle is good…
Read More →Ted has been touring. Ted has been talking. Ted has been listening. And now, the time has finally come to officially open the “New show.” “Learning to Play is the 17th show I have co-written or written, and I’m not sure I have ever been associated with a project generating this much interest, enthusiasm and passion. From the blizzard defying 800 who showed up in Goshen, Indiana in January to the small special invitation conference in May, Justin, Patrick and I have heard over and over again, “Thank you, thank you for doing this show—you are taking it to every church in the country, right?” When the laughter fills the space, when the silences are close to excruciating, when the piano and cello take over that silence and dance together, it does reach toward what one audience called “holy space.” June 6 and 7 are the show dates in Harrisonburg and…
Read More →Jen was first introduced to the work of Ted&Co through the well worn VHS (yes…VHS) series FishEyes that her mother kept in the office at church. Delighted by a realization that biblical stories could be told through theatre and even better that they could be funny – Jen took off for the Church of the Brethren’s National Youth Conference in Colorado and went to every single event Ted and Lee performed. Too shy to actually say hi on her own, Jen’s mother approached the two actors and said, “My daughter is going to be angry at me for doing this, but she’s too shy to say hi. Would you sign this piece of paper so she can have your autographs?” Thus Jen received a crumpled piece of paper that read “Don’t be mad at your Mom.” Signed Ted and Lee. A few years later as a theatre major in college, Jen sat down…
Read More →I write this from a theater in my home town—a truly sacred space where humor, story and art come together. Sometimes in the midst of the hard work of creating the best theater possible it is possible to lose sight of the final impact this ancient and eternally relevant art-form can have. And then… in laughter, tears and excruciatingly beautiful silences it all comes rushing back to me, and I am moved and changed as a performer and as a person. Justin, Patrick and I are grateful for the 6 opportunities we’ve had to perform “Learning to Play” this spring and looking to do many more. We are close! I am humbled and amazed at the response to the Kickstarter project. Many have responded…folks who realize the power of theater to effect lives, folks who are moved by the eternal and moving story of fathers and sons, and folks who…
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